
How To Check If Chrome Is Updated

Update Chrome Spider web Browser

Updated at: Feb 15, 2022

This guide volition step you through the procedure of updating your Google Chrome web browser.

Do y'all need to know what version of Chrome do I take?

Unless y'all take specifically disabled information technology Chrome will cheque for updates every couple of hours and automatically update itself, but here's how to manually tell Chrome to update itself.

  1. Click the "Customize and Control" button

    In the top-right corner of the Chrome window you'll see the Customise menu icon - it looks like three little blackness dots on elevation of each other - click it.

    The location of the Customize and Control menu button

    This will reveal a menu with lots of options. I of them will be named "Settings".

  2. Hover your mouse on the "Help" menu detail

    The location of the Help menu item

    When you lot hover on the Help menu detail another menu will appear out to the side - it contains the Well-nigh Google Chrome option.

  3. Click "Almost Google Chrome"

    The location of the About menu item

    You volition exist taken to the About page for Chrome.

  4. Chrome will automatically bank check for updates

    Every bit soon as y'all open the "About" screen for Chrome, information technology will automatically outset to check if at that place are whatever updates bachelor for your copy of Chrome. If there are updates available it will start to download them. Yous don't need to do annihilation to start this procedure.

    The 'About Chrome' dialog - the update section is already checking for updates

    Chrome tells you that it's "Checking for updates..." while it checks for a newer version.

    Version numbers shown here are examples and will modify depending on what is considered the latest version...

  5. If Chrome finds updates, click "Relaunch" to install them

    If Chrome finds updates, it will automatically download and install them. One time this is done you need to click the Relaunch button to finish this procedure. Clicking it will restart Chrome. Chrome should think which websites y'all accept open and reopen them when it starts upwardly again.

    The relaunch button

  6. When Chrome relaunches, you lot'll accept the latest version

    Chrome is now up to date

    Chrome at present tells you "Google Chrome is up to date".

Congratulations, yous take at present ensured that your copy of Chrome is up to date.

In normal circumstances, Chrome will proceed itself up to date automatically - if for some reason Chrome didn't update itself, please speak to your IT Support team for farther help.

Chrome car-updates itself

Google's Chrome web browser was the first spider web browser to provide automatic updates. This was something of a revolution, because prior to this, information technology was the user's responsibility to update their web browser. This usually meant that only the nigh vigilant and technically savvy users had up to date web browsers.

Having an up to date spider web browser is vital to having a safe and fully-featured spider web experience and Chrome's auto-update feature facilitates this very easily.

What if Chrome is not already car-updating?

If you are being told that Chrome is out of date (our homepage will tell you if Chrome is out of date) then in most cases you lot just demand to look a few hours and Chrome volition auto update itself.

If this doesn't occur, it'due south possible that:

  • Your computer's firewall is preventing Chrome from checking if there are updates
  • Your employer has blocked Chrome from auto-updating
  • You (or someone else) has configured your Chrome to not auto-update

Fixing these issues is across the telescopic of this article; these situations are typically very rare.

"I have the latest version of Chrome OS merely you say my Chrome Browser is out of engagement!"

Even though y'all have the latest version of Chrome OS, occasionally the version of Chrome Browser you are running might considered out of engagement. This is considering in that location is sometimes a short time-lag between the latest version of Chrome Browser being released and the latest version of Chrome OS being released equally well. We've got a folio with more than details virtually ChromeBrowser and Chrome Os versions if yous're curious.


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